Airspace Change Proposal & NAPs


The ACP is now In Progress at Step 3a.

17/04/2023: Until iteration three of the airspace change masterplan, including the updated programme plan has been assessed and accepted by the CAA and Department for Transport as co sponsors of airspace modernisation, the full indicative timeline for this ACP cannot be confirmed. The Gateways within the published document ‘Indicative Timeline – April 2023’ are subject to change.

The CAA website shows progress in the CAP1616 process so far and the EAL submissions and relevant documents that can be downloaded:  EAL ACP 2019

After the previous Airport Change Proposal (ACP) was rejected, Edinburgh Airport applied to the CAA for another ACP to change flight paths around Edinburgh Airport. EAL are required to follow a different process (CAP1616) than they followed with the previous ACP. One of the major differences is a seven stage process – Stage 1 step 1B outlines the requirement to engage with stakeholders, which includes Community Councils, to determine design principles that will form the foundation of the programme including evaluating flight path options in further stages. The airport held engagement workshops for stakeholders to help design the principles for future arrival and departure flight paths.

EAL sent their Stage 1 Gateway submission to the CAA on 3rd Jan 2020.

The CAA rejected the EAL application to pass the Stage 1 Define Gateway. Further explanation for this decision is contained in the Define Gateway Outcome document.

EAL re-submitted their ACP-2019-32_Edinburgh Airport ACP Stage 1 submission to the CAA on the 27th March 2020.


EAL Noise Assessment Maps

EAL Maps that will be used for assessing noise sensitive areas in the ACP:

A0 Figure 3 – Edinburgh Airport Population per 1kmsq

A0 Figure 4 – Edinburgh Airport Noise Sensitive Receptors

A0 Figure 6 – Edinburgh Airport Population per 50m2


ACP UPDATE 21st Jan 2020

Based on further data received from EAL on 18 January, EANAB’s Review of EDI runway capacity has been updated as attached below.

For some months now, a number of Community Councils have been asking Edinburgh Airport Noise Advisory Board (EANAB) to provide information to give their residents a more in-depth understanding of the Board’s position on the justification of the need for increased runway capacity. As Edinburgh Airport Ltd’s (EAL) advisers on communities’ EDI aircraft-related noise concerns, EANAB has up to now refrained from doing this, pending the outcome of the discussion of the supporting data by the technically-minded representatives of both EAL and EANAB.

Despite a very helpful workshop held on 19 December, EANAB continues to believe the data demonstrates there is no justification for additional runway capacity. This was explained in the Board’s email to EAL of 1 January. That email also refers to the provision of further data from EAL by the middle of this month, with more to follow thereafter, to help the Board understand EAL’s need for additional runway capacity. It is likely that EANAB will therefore be working with EAL for some time in an attempt to reach an agreed position on this matter.

However, it has not been possible for EAL to provide the additional data in line with the original timescale, so in these circumstances the Board considers it unreasonable to continue to wait and withhold it’s present informed view on the situation. This is why the package below has now been uploaded, based on the significant amount of data the Board now has.

Email to Gordon Robertson EAL 1st Jan 2020

Review of EDI Runway Capacity 21st Jan 2020

Note of Data Analysis Workshop 19th Dec 2019

2018 and 2023 Histogram Values

EACC Meeting Aug 2016

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Actual Summary June 2019   Scheduled Summary June 2019

Actual Summary July 2019    Scheduled Summary July 2019

Actual Summary August 2019   Scheduled Summary August 2019


ACP UPDATE 19th Oct 2019

Because of the concerns of EANAB members that attended the Engagement Workshops a letter was sent by Lindsay Cole, Chair EANAB to EAL’s Gordon Robertson, see below.

EANAB letter to EAL 11th Oct 2019

EAL response letter 19th Oct 2019


Previous ACP

Edinburgh Airport ran an Airspace Change Proposal from 2015-2018, which included three public consultations. The feedback from these consultations informed their application for Application for Airspace Change in August 2018. The CAA rejected this Application for Airspace Change in November 2018. See below for the links to these submissions.

Previous Consultations


Noise Action Plans

The Scottish Government’s Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires airports to produce or update Noise Actions Plans (NAPs) every five years. As part of finalising these plans, the Scottish Government requires EAL to consult with communities on their draft plan. This was last done in April 2018.

Noise Action Plan 2018-2023

Scottish Government Noise Maps and Action Plans

EAL NAP Consultation information: Click to view

EANAB NAP Response:  Click to view

A new NAP is being prepared but the data to complete will not be available until the end of 2023.
