
EANAB has set up specialist subgroups to progress different aspects of our remit. The subgroups setup are as follows:


Providing the technical input to the Board, working with EAL and others on the understanding and mitigation of aviation noise arising from Edinburgh Airport operations.


To establish the provision of accurate noise contour maps that reflect reality.

Noise monitoring to be able to:

  • Fine loud aircraft
  • Validate noise modelling
  • Provide real-time information about noise
  • Assist Communities in understanding the local noisescape

Reconciliation of EAL stated requirement to increase runway capacity against perceived present usage.

Incorporating Outer Airways group, in co-operation with EAL, ANS & NATS, to identify potential additional flightpaths that pass over unpopulated land areas or the sea, in order to mitigate aircraft noise by amending routes under local control and suggest additions to the framework of routes under NATS control.


Aviation Consultancy Sub Group Presentation

Noise Metrics and Potential Flight Profile Management Study


To assist our communities in understanding the To70 Findings Report the EANAB Aviation Consultancy Sub-Group has prepared the following brief report.

EANAB Commentary

Glossary of Terms

In line with the recommendation by the CAA in CAP1736, an external qualified party (To70) was commissioned to look at the validity of the input data to the ANCON noise model used to produced maps at EDI.
Concerns had been expressed about the use of vertical profiles based on London Gatwick departures and the use of nominal SID track rather than using radar-based measurement to describe the way aircraft are flown at EDI (track position, altitude and speed).
The report below shows that the concerns were justified and that the data input to the ANCON model to produce noise maps are not representative of operations at EDI.

To70 Findings report Edinburgh Airport Radar Track Analysis

Appendix A Key figures Edinburgh Airport

Appendix B comparison flight patterns and vertical profiles

Appendix C comparison with ANCON

For information these were the preliminary findings of the Aviation group:

Noise Mapping Uncertainty – part1

Noise Mapping Uncertainty – part2

SEL footprint vs monitor analysis



To form a meaningful liaison with EAL so as to realise the full potential of the EAL ACP in terms of mitigating noise issues for local communities

See Airspace Change Proposal page.



Complaints: To establish whether the present mechanisms for dealing with noise related complaints are effective

Fines: To ensure that the application of penalties is effective in minimising excessive noise incidents

To provide clear information for the Board and Communities

To reduce Community disturbance from aircraft noise

EAL compiles a quarterly report of all complaints received which is then reviewed by EANAB.

See Noise Tracking and Complaints page



Establishing clear, consistent, and regular methods of communication, ensuring consistent engagement with Community Councils and external bodies.



Equipping Board members with the knowledge and skills to address noise concerns related to airport operations and developing or sourcing suitable materials and training courses to enhance their understanding of airport noise and its management.



Providing strategic oversight and review for the Board, and aligning it with accepted governance principles. Developing and maintaining clear procedural guidelines for the Board to fulfil its remit. Proactively monitoring the Board’s adherence to these procedures and initiating remedial action when necessary.

APPENDIX of relevant Governance documents.



Increasing Board awareness of health issues produced by aircraft noise. Seeking ways to influence policy on the health impact of noise. Representing the Board in relevant forums, maintaining a resource library of relevant links and documents, and contributing to Board member training.

CAA Report on Aircraft Noise and Health Effects May 2024 (CAP2963)

CAA Report on Aircraft Noise and Health Effects Oct 2023 (CAP2587)

CAA Report on Aircraft Noise and Health May 2023

CAA Aircraft Noise and Sleep Dusturbance Dec 2022

CAA webpage on Aviation Noise and Health

CAA Report on Aircraft Noise and Health Effects May 2022

CAA Report on Aircraft Noise and Health Effects Sep 2021

Health and Aircraft Noise Report



Empowering subgroups to define and own their strategic goals to align with the Board’s overall objectives. Monitoring and reporting the performance in achieving those goals.

EANAB Strategic Aims 2022 – 2025
